There's absolutely no way I could make this work and make it actually make a convincing card game player that was playing on the same level as if it were playing shrewdly with imperfect information. You may want to just make an AI that cheats and can see facedown cards - you can always add artificial stupidity to dumb it down if that is too much of an advantage. You should consult bridge ai literature for more information as that is a similar game.

I was rapidly coming to that conclusion on my own and was hoping there was maybe some off-the-shelf resource someone could point me toward that could get at least some of the job done. Unfortunately games of chance with hidden information are the hardest to write good AIs for Any advice you all would be able to provide me on directions to go or things I should read or study would be greatly, greatly appreciated. This game is pretty quirky, though, at least as far as trick-taking card games go, and I'm not sure if I can easily adapt any off-the-shelf AI solutions to this. I'm a competent programmer, but I'm not a particularly experienced game developer and I know very little about machine learning/AI. Meld becomes public information once scored and can be an extremely useful source for strategy later on. Part of the scoring relies on "meld," or certain configurations of cards worth fixed amounts of points (think a simpler version of non-solitaire Mah Jong).It has a bidding round that uses numbers without suits, but the bids can have a lot of semantic information about how many other points one has in one's hand built into them (and thus how high one can safely bid).It's a trumping trick-taking game, like Spades, but it uses a nonstandard deck of 80 cards ( 4 each of A, 10, K, Q, J in each suit, ranked in that order).Some major features of it that set it apart from other games: The game itself is fairly complicated and a little peculiar. His favorite game is a game called Double Pinochle (plus some special region-specific rules particular to where we're from), and I wanted to make him a card game that he could play to help scratch his card-gaming itch. My father loves card games, but he and my mother are getting up in years and my mom's memory isn't quite there to play cards with him at the level he's used to anymore. Hey, y'all! I need to ask for some help regarding some AI stuff.